MiCollab Client enables you to:
  • Control your phone from your desktop—make calls, answer calls, and invoke mid-call
  • features.
  • Control your Dynamic Status to direct calls to wherever you are, at any time of the day.
  • Chat with individuals and groups of contacts.
  • Review your voicemails.
There are two main sections in MiCollab for Mobile Client main window.
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 Top header menu - Displays your avatar, personal information, presence status, availability on the top left, the search icon and the more icon on the top right. The avatar also has the presence indicator to identify the status of the user.
Bottom navigation menu - Displays the following prioritized menu options:

  • Home - Comprises of Shortcuts, Settings (displays after a single tap on the Avatar), and Availability (displays after a long press on the Avatar).
  • Phone - The phone screen comprises of All, Missed, and Voicemail call list of the users. The screen also has a search icon on the top right corner, a floating dial pad button at the bottom right corner.
  • Messages - The message screen comprises of Chat, Streams, and Classic Streams.
  • Meetings - Opens the MiTeam Meetings application.
  • Contacts - The Contacts page lists the Groups, Personal, Corporate and External contact lists.
The Top Header Menu displays your avatar, personal information, presence status, availability on the top left, the search icon and the more icon on the top right. The avatar also has the presence indicator to identify the status of the user.
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To open the Settings page, single tap on the avatar on the top left corner of the Header menu. You can manage the following settings from the Settings page:
Allows you to change your display photo.
Allows you to manage your availability status.
 Personal Message
You can add or change your personal message from this field.
To stop receiving calls on your softphone, you can change the dynamic status or disable the softphone on the Mobile Client.
 Ring Group
Allows you to enable or disable the Ring Group and Hunt Group (if configured for the user).
This option is only available for Android clients, where the user can Log out of the Mobile Client.
Under General you can view/perform the following functions:

  • enable the dialpad at startup
  • add/delete your numbers (softphone, deskphone, personal number, etc)
  • self deployment of clients using QR code
  • change password
  • sort the order of the names of MiCollab contacts
  • enable/disable the notifications
  • send or delete diagnostic logs
  • factory reset
 Phone Settings
Allows you to set the call using option, control other phones, calling mode, and change the voicemail PIN.
 Presence Privacy
Allows you to control your presence information to be displayed to other users or not.
 Manage Status
Allows you to change, add, edit, and delete Dynamic Status.
You can also set your dynamic status based on your location.
 Calendar Integration
Provides automatic updates to your Dynamic Status based on your Google Calendar, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook calendar entries.
Allows you to set your schedule and your Dynamic Status can be changed accordingly based on your set schedule.
Provides information about What's New in the Client, documentation link of the help file, End User License Agreement, Privacy Policy, Release note and the MiCollab Client-MiCollab Server and Client versions.

Bottom navigation toolbar
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The home page is a convenient location which comprises of Shortcuts, Settings (which displays after a single tap on the Avatar), and Availability (displays after a long press on the Avatar). Tapping on the More menu icon allows the users to edit the Home Screen icons. The following options are displayed when you tap on the More menu icon.
  • Add URL : This option allows you to add a URL shortcut in the Home page for quick launching a website.
  • Add Speed Dial : This option allows you to add a number for speed dial in the Home page.
  • Add Contact : This option allows you to add a corporate contact in the Home page.
  • New Group : This option allows you to create a new group which is then added to the home screen for easy access.
  • Add Group : This option allows you to add an existing group to the home screen for easy access.
  • Add Stream : This option allows you to add an existing MiTeam Stream to the home screen for easy access.
  • Edit : You can use this option to reorder or delete items from the home page. A user can also enter the edit mode by dragging an item on the home page.
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The Phone page provides a listing of all your dialed, received, and missed call logs under the All and Missed tabs along with Voicemail. To make a call from the Phone menu, you can either single tap on the entry from the call history view to open details page of the contact and then make a call or you can also make a call via the quick menu option after a long tap on the user avatar in call history. The Phone menu also shows the call history of the dialed numbers outside the organization.

The Voicemail tab allows you to play and to delete voicemail messages. You can also forward the voicemails in an email. While playing the message, you can advance or rewind the message by dragging the tracker accordingly.

In the Phone page there is a dialpad icon which can be used like a typical phone to make a call to a phone number even outside your organization.

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The Phone page also displays the More icon, Filter icon, and the Search icon under the All, Missed and Voicemail tabs. The More icon displays options to Delete individual or Delete All the entries.

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The Messages page allows you to connect in real time to any other MiCollab contact or group of contacts. The chat view displays all existing chats and these chats remain displayed here until they are deleted. The Stream view displays the list of chat streams.

The Messages page also displays the More icon and the Search icon. The More icon under the Chat tab allows you to hide individual chats, in the Streams tab allows you to leave the steam chat, and under the Classic Streams allows you to delete each chat stream.

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The Meetings page directly opens the MiTeam Meetings application. MiTeam provides a persistent workspace for team-based conversations, content collaboration, project management, and meetings. Using the MiTeam capability in your MiCollab Client (PC, Mac, Mobile, and Web Client), you can collaborate with other MiCollab or guest users in the meeting.

MiTeam Meetings is a Cloud-based collaboration tool (based on CloudLink infrastructure) that enables MiCollab users to access features, such as:
  • Collaborate: Perform audio, video, and web sharing
  • Chat: Hold chat sessions and receive chat notifications within the meeting
  • File Sharing: Store and share files

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The Contacts page displays all your Corporate, Personal, and External contacts along your Group contacts and enables you to search the contact list to quickly find who you want to communicate with. Long press on the contact’s avatar to view the communication options.

The More icon is available under the Contacts page, but only under the Groups tab which allows you to create a New group or Delete Groups. The Search icon is present in all the four tabs, that is under Groups, Personal, Corporate, and External tabs.

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